We will support you with anything related to your health. That includes doctors, hospitals and any health or social care provider.
What we can do for you
Doctor’s surgery (also known as GP surgeries)
Here are some examples of what we can do for you:
- Explain how to get an appointment with your GP/doctor
- Register you with a doctor’s surgery and fill in any forms needed
- Make an appointment for you and go with you to interpret
- Explain what a letter says, or pass a message to you from the doctor
- Tell the doctor about any religious or cultural needs they need to know about
- Call the doctor’s surgery about anything you don’t understand
- Call a pharmacy about a prescription
- Check the doctor has received any letters from a hospital about treatments
- Make follow-up appointments that your doctor recommends e.g. an optician.
General health needs
We’ll give you information and advice about your health. We’ll also register you, or make appointments for you, with these other health providers too:
- Opticians
- Dentists
- Chiropodists
- Any similar health provider.
We can fill in forms for you, translate letters and attend appointments with you. We can also call health providers to get answers about anything you don’t understand.
Hospitals: EMHADS
If you’re due to be admitted to hospital (or are already there), we can support you with our hospital advocacy service known as EMHADS (Ethnic Minority Hospital Advocacy Discharge Service).
It operates at these hospitals only: Arrowe Park including A&E, in case of accident or injury; Spring View; or the Women and Children’s Hospital.
This is how EMHADS can support you:
- Interpret for you in person
- Support you during your hospital stay, from the moment you enter and until you leave
- Help hospital staff if they need information about you
- Refer you to our own Health Link Team to support you with you care after you have left the hospital.
If you’re not part of EMHADS, but need help with a hospital appointment, we can still help you. Here are some examples of what we can do for you:
- Explain how hospital appointments work here
- Speak to the hospital about anything related to an appointment
- Make or change an appointment, including with other services at the hospital
- Speak to the hospital about anything you don’t understand or any mistakes in correspondence
- Speak to the hospital about any religious or cultural needs they need to know about
- Go with you to an appointment, if you don’t want to use the hospital’s interpreter
- Call a pharmacy about a prescription for medicine.
Other health service providers
If we can't support you with your health needs and another provider can do it better, such as a specialist service, then we will direct you to them. We call this signposting. Examples of these providers include social services, Maggies Place, CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau), or a specialist charity such as Macmillan Cancer Support.
We will fill in forms, or go with you to an appointment, if you want.
Free NHS health checks
We can give you a free general health check if you are between the ages of 40 and 74.
Go to Health checks for more information or to book a health check. Or ask us about a health check when you visit us at the WMO centre or when you call on 0151 792 5116.
From time to time, Living Well Service will come to WMO to offer you vaccinations, such as to prevent seasonal flu.
Or, if you prefer to have a seasonal vaccination at your GP service, we can make the appointment for you and provide langauge support.
To find out about vaccinations, please visit us at the WMO centre or call us on 0151 792 5116.
Health advice about tobacco, drugs and alcohol
Contact our Substance Misuse Link Worker Nurie Lamb at
WMO centre
(The phone will be answered by someone speaking English.)
0151 792 5116
Health Link Team emails
Ethnic Minority Hospital Advocacy Discharge Service emails
Migrant Community Wellbeing Team emails
Further help, and advice on staying well

Coffee mornings

Drugs and alcohol


Little World Nursery

Translation and Interpretation service (T&I)